Season Summary

For many years, members of the Society have reported the butterflies and moths that they have collected or observed in North America, including Mexico and the Caribbean. The annual summary is a compilation that begins with reports of individuals to eleven geographic Zone Coordinators. They then go to the Chief Season Summary Coordinator and Editor. The result is an annual supplement to the News of the Society, sent to all members of the Society. Additionally, each year's entries are added to a large searchable web-based database containing all of the Season Summary records that have ever been been published.

The Chief Season Summary Coordinators are Brian Scholtens and Jeff Pippen.

NEW! A complete PDF of all Season Summary records from 2017-2019 is available here: Season Summary 2019 - Complete PDF Edition

The Lepidopterists' Society Season Summary database is hosted by SCAN (Symbiota Collections of Arthropods Network). To search the database, which currently contains more than 112,000 individual records, click on the following link: The Lepidopterists' Society Season Summary.

You are encouraged to contribute to the Season Summary by sending records to the appropriate Zone Coordinator for the geographic region in which species were found. Follow these steps to contribute to the Season Summary:

  1. Download the Season Summary spreadsheet (Excel file).
  2. Follow these directions (Word file) for filling out the spreadsheet with your data. Use this spreadsheet (Excel file) to determine which Zone to use for a specific geographic region and appropriate abbreviations.
  3. When done providing data, save the spreadsheet on your computer.
  4. Determine the name and web address of the Zone Coordinator from the list below.
  5. Send an email message to that Zone Coordinator, attaching the completed Season Summary spreadsheet.


Zone Coordinators, to whom records can be submitted by the method described above:

Zone 1, The Far North: André Langlois (

Zone 2, The Pacific Northwest: Jon H. Shepard (

Zone 3, The Southwest: Ken Davenport (

Zone 4, The Rocky Mountains: Charles E. (Chuck) Harp (

Zone 5, The Plains: Michael Ellsbury (

Zone 6, Texas: Stuart Marcus (

Zone 7, Ontario and Quebec: Kyle Johnson (

Zone 8, The Midwest: Eric Olson (

Zone 9, The Southeast: Brian G. Scholtens (

Zone 10, The Northeast: Mark J. Mello (

Zone 11, Mexico & the Caribbean: Isabel Vargas Fernandez (