
The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society is a quarterly scientific publication of The Lepidopterists' Society. It contains refereed scholarly papers on the behavior, biology, conservation, ecology, evolution, genetics, morphology, physiology, systematics, and taxonomy of moths and butterflies. The Journal has been published continuously since 1947 and is indexed by several leading scientific databases.The impact factor of the Journal averages around 0.50.

As a member of the Society, you will receive a printed copy of the Journal four times a year. The Journal is also available online at the following links:


Articles published in 2010 and after are available via BioOne. You must be a member of the Society or belong to a subscribing institution to access articles from the past 5 years. If you are a member of the Society, please login to the website using the boxes on the left.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society hosted by BioOne (Must be logged into this site!)


Older Journal articles are open access and available to anyone. Open access to the Journal (prior to 2010) is the result of ongoing work by Keith Summerville, David Lohman, Larry Gall and their colleagues, and is currently hosted by the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University on behalf of the Society.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society hosted at Yale

If you would like to publish in the Journal, please read the Author Instructions.

For Society members affiliated with institutions, page charges are $50 per Journal page. For authors without institutional support, page charges are $25 per Journal page. For authors who are not members of the Society, page charges are $100 per Journal page. Authors will be charged a full page price for any partially filled pages. Authors unable to pay page charges for any reason should apply to the editor at the time of submission for a reduced rate or free publication. Authors of Tributes and Obituaries are exempt from page charges. Color photos and illustrations can be printed for minimal cost (usually $10 extra per page).