Compiled by Roy O. Kendall, Edited by Harry K. Clench and Theodore D. Sargent, 1977
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Cyril F. Dos Passos, 1964
Lee D. Miller and F. Martin Brown, 1981
Edited by Clifford D. Ferris, 1989. Paper. (ISBN 0-930282-04-3)
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Stephen E. Stone, 1991. Paper. (ISBN 0-930282-05-1)
William D. Winter, Jr., 2000. Paper. (ISBN 0-930282-07-8) 444 pages including 15 appendices.
Hanna Royals, Jean-François Landry, Todd Gilligan, 2019. Paper. (ISBN 978-1-7342874-0-0) 149 pages. Glossy full color.
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Jane Ruffin, 1993