
2019-2020 Committees

This list is current as of the 2019 Annual Meeting. An asterisk denotes that the committee is specifically listed in the Constitution.

Archives Committee

The Archives Committee shall: maintain archival materials for the Society.

David Bettman (Chair), Charlie Covell

Auditing Committee*

The Auditing Committee (consisting of three members) shall: audit the accounts of the Treasurer and render their report to the Secretary before March 31st. At the 2014 Annual Meeting in Park City, UT, it was determined that the Executive Council served this function de facto, and thus a separate list of persons was unnecessary. Therefore, the Auditing Committee each year shall consist of all of the members on the Executive Council.

Awards Committee*

The Awards Committee shall: raise funds for the Karl Jordan, Clench, and other Society awards; act as judges for the Clench Award; and determine the amounts of monetary awards.

Christi Jaeger (Chair), Jackie Miller (Jordan Medal)

Budget and Publications Committee*

The Budget and Publications Committee shall: find and recommend nominees for Treasurer to the Nominating Committee; recommend changes when needed to the Society's dues structure; and oversee financial aspects of Society publications.

In 2015 President Gilligan assembled a “Strategic Planning Committee” to develop a 5 year plan for the Society. Because the 5 year plan also deals with the topics listed above, and the above committee is mandated by the Constitution, he suggested that future planning falls under “Budget and Publications Committee” and updated the membership as follows:

Todd Gilligan (Chair), John Shuey, Keith Summerville, James Adams, Carol Butler, John Calhoun, Kelly Richers, Todd Stout, Mike Toliver, Dave Wagner

Conservation Committee*

The Conservation Committee shall: facilitate an international dialog among lepidopterists, land managers, and policy makers, with the goal of enhancing conservation of native butterflies and moths.

Dave Wagner (Chair), Scott Black, Jaret Daniels, Eric Metzler, Bob Pyle, John Shuey, Felix Sperling, Ernest Williams, John Calhoun

Education Committee*

The Education Committee shall: make information about Lepidoptera and the Society available to interested individuals; and support appropriate activities at annual meetings.

Katy Prudic (Co-Chair), Elizabeth Long (Co-Chair), Delano Lewis, Amanda Roe, John Acorn, Erik Runquist, Todd Stout

Meetings Committee*

The Meetings Committee shall: solicit sites for annual meetings; provide meeting organizers with guidelines and timetables; and ensure that annual meetings are announced in the News on a timely basis. In 2019, the Meetings Committee was restructured to include the current President, Secretary, and three Members at Large, one from each year.

Membership Committee*

The Membership Committee shall: prepare and distribute membership brochures to prospective members; oversee procedures for electronic membership applications; make information about the Sciety available to interested individuals; distribute the Society's Collecting Policy to outside organizations; supervise sales of back issues of publications and other society items; and support appropriate activities at annual meetings.

Carol Butler (Chair), Gary Anweiler, Dave Parshall, Al Thurman, David Wagner, Wayne Wehling, Dave Wikle, Michael Collins, Andy Warren, Mike Toliver, Kelly Richers, Todd Stout, Julian Donahue, Charlie Covell

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee shall: contact persons interested in running for an office in the Society and provide nominations for the annual elections to the Secretary and Assistant Secretary. In 2019, the Nominations Committee was restructured to include the Past President and three Members at Large, one from each year.

Records Committee*

The Records Committee shall: find and recommend nominees for Secretary to the Nominating Committee; maintain and distribute minutes of meetings of the Executive Council; advise on constitutional matters at the meetings of the Executive Council; annually provide the Chair of the Nominating Committee a list of previous officers; maintain the membership database; compile and deliver labels for Society mailings; provide the membership list for rental or exchange; and prepare the membership directory biennially for the News (includes the Secretary and Assistant Secretary as ex officio members).

Todd Gilligan (Co-Chair), Chris Grinter (Co-Chair)

Web and Technology Committee*

The Web and Technology Committee shall: oversee the Society's website and investigate technology issues on behalf of the Society (includes the Web Editor as an ex officio member).

Todd Gilligan (Chair), James Adams, Larry Gall, David Lohman, John Snyder, Todd Stout, Julian Donahue, Andy Warren, Erik Runquist